Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This announcement is a continuation of the theme of initiating operational business decisions with a view towards realizing efficiencies across the various sections that business will be carried out to ensure smooth operations while ensuring that activities will be carried out as from the perspective that was initiated with the decision to pursue a different direction going forward regarding obtaining specific services from a single source for the "Holding Base" related as well as the Proprietor's personal investments, as documented in the post
NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED in order to achieve greater efficiency. As a result, this post will focus on how the adopting of this operational methodology has resulted in this operating mode for general communications as depicted in the CONCEPTUAL COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART. Please follow below for the details.


This post adds further clarification to the details discussed in the post NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED & AMENDED regarding the 1st2nd and 3rd Independent Proprietorships described. The subject position will require the Manager to oversee the design as well as the implementing of the network required to ensure the smooth flow of information across all the business areas, which can be represented as a) the Proprietor's Personal Investments, b) the Conservery "Holding Base" and c) the Cosvry (subsidiary) Proprietorship where these various sections as depicted in the (Organizational) Chart will require secure and adequate communications means for business operations to be carried out successfully. This individual will also have to work very closely with the Independent Marketing & Public Relations Proprietorships to realize effective management in addition to the Independent IT Data Security Proprietorship in order to assist with the achieving of their mandate, which all have as their main focus, the attaining of the overriding goal of the various businesses generally, namely, ensuring that the individual sections become sound business operations and/or investment vehicles. The proper receipt and flow of unimpeded information is vital for the success of any successful business in this information technology (IT) “driven” age for all the areas of operation (including the various base locations of the Regional Manager ClChs Bakery & Hobby Crafts Operations) are successfully included in operating communications network. 
As a result, the individual who will has been considered for and to whom this very challenging role will now be offered is a lady with whom I encountered on my arrival here and has become a very "understanding" professional and thoughtful mother over the years and is none other than a valued acquaintance in, D. L. Thomsen. This professional, who knows exactly how and when to achieve the desired objective will, even in this this part time position be able to set the right "tone" for those within her sphere of responsibility, which will include the full time ASSISTANT COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, who will now be the former Maureen McDonald. In addition, also reporting to the GC/MM will be full time VP COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS, who will be the 3rd granddaughter of my late friend Margaret, and the 2nd daughter of Carla Charliere

With these changes being implemented, I'm confident and very comfortable with these arrangements that this group’s day-to-day management will be in very capable hands.

This post was focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that ultimately, the various businesses overriding goal as described will be achieved successfully in spite of potential inherent obstacles to achieving this desired outcome. Based on these changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be outstanding investment business operations as well as sound service oriented businesses will achieve the successes intended much more efficiently even in the event of unplanned, potentially disruptive developments that can and do take place occasionally. However, with these changes, it’s anticipated that such occurrences will be kept to a minimum. Therefore, please join me in wishing all the announced individuals the best in these critical areas of importance to the various applicable business sections in the chosen business model.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

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