Monday, November 30, 2015


Since the various business described
as a), b) and cin the post
ANNOUNCEMENT OF UNIQUE ADVISOR ROLE RESPONSIBILITY - UPDATED have individuals [with the exception of a)], identified as filling in for the Proprietor in his absence, as documented In the posts, THE "HOLDING BASE" GOING FORWARD - UPDATED in addition to THE COSVRY PROPRIETORSHIP GOING FORWARD - UPDATED; for consistency and to enable operation to continue unimpeded in the Personal Investments as well as reflected on the updated Organizational Chart, the position of SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR - PERSONAL INVESTMENTS is being created with this announcement to fill this void, please follow below or he details.


This Special Administrator will essentially fill in for the Proprietor, when forced to be away for other pressing reasons, in order to effect smooth functioning and avoid any disruptions by my absence. On such occasions, those who directly report to the Proprietor will be informed of the temporary change in reporting to better streamline on-going activity about. As a result, the individual considered for and to whom this position will be offered is, Chelsea Clinton, whom I'm confident will provide the type of leaderships to ensure that all needed functions will be carried out as intended, about, which she will be briefed.


In this slimmed down organizational approach, a more manageable business structure is being instituted to ensure the long term financial survival of this business section identified as a) in the interest of all the staff. Therefore, please join me in welcoming and congratulating this accomplished professional, Chelsea, whom I'm confident will approach the desired objectives with the type of consistent and unified focus that will make achieving all the objectives more attainable, especially knowing that these responsibilities are in very carefully chosen capable "hands".

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery & Other Personal Investments
(see the Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s  new mailing address)

Saturday, November 21, 2015


This post introduces and carefully defines the subject in order to obtain more efficient operating of staff responsibilities as depicted in the  CONCEPTUAL RESPONSIBILITY PROPRIETORSHIPS SERVICES CHART - UPDATED. Furthermore, details about the responsibilities as well as the individual considered for and to whom this critical position will be offered are outlined below, please follow for details.  

As depicted in the updated Organizational Chart, the position of DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST will now be reporting to the Proprietor and
will be required to investigate all new processes, concepts and analytical ideas, to first of all determine if they are patentable, and secondly, carefully gather all required details to support the filing of appropriate claims regarding the new methodologies. The
challenges involve will be:
  1. determining if "claims" can be properly filed that will be effective as well as enforceable,  (which will be essential for securing appropriate royalties when required),
  2. following the strict guidelines of the Patent & Trademark office, where appropriate to file such claims based on their expectations and
  3. being cognizant of when the Proprietorship/appropriate staff patented claims are being used and when royalties are due based on the use of these innovations by others such that the HR/Payroll & Benefits office will be made aware that action on their part is needed to recover applicable compensation.
The Analyst will support the interests of the business Grouping by a) the effective filing of appropriate claims definitively and clearly, b)  determining what’s beinginventedbased on the functions it will be capable of carrying out as well as c) the means by, which it undertakes its untended actions, following the recommendations of the Patent Office, to protect the rights of the Proprietorship and applicable staff member(s). The next step will then be carry out the needed research to determine if the “idea(s)” as applicable , has (have) any previous “Claims” filed against it (them)and when appropriate, international patent “claims” as well in the areas/locations where business operations is(are) conducted. As a result, the individual considered for and to whom this highly technical and challenging position will be offered, is the eldest of the remaining offspring of the adopted daughter, Denise of my former TCI Lecturer and mentor, Mr. Abelew. This very skilled professional comes well qualified to manage the demands of this very demanding position and on whom the intellectual property rights of others generally and the Proprietorship specifically will be entrusted; knows the expectations that is being given because from experiences has come to realize the importance of being “ready” for the unexpected and in this way, will be positioned and prepared for any and all eventualities with regard the proper filing of claims to in turn enable the Proprietorship to recover royalties and such payments when due.

With this announcement, I'm very confident that the responsibilities of this position will be in very capable "hands" going forward in spite of what challenges may be encountered. Therefore, please join me in welcoming and congratulating this skilled professional who will be "ready" to fulfill the duties required and for the willingness in this regard, best wishes are also being extended in the hope that all applicable intellectual property rights assignments will be all very soundly managed by focusing on the appropriate facts to assist all in the filing of effective claims to the best of this Professional's ability.   

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery & Other Personal Investments
(see the
Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)


This role as defined, does not bear similarity to any of the typical staff positions that have been previously announced that is reflected in various Organizational Charts such as CONCEPTUAL RESPONSIBILITY PROPRIETORSHIPS SERVICES CHART - UPDATED. This post introduces the role as well as the individual selected and to whom this position will be offered. Please follow below for details.

This uniquely crafted position requires the “selectee” to make recommendations about the type of international markets that will become bases into, which the products and services from the various business sections as indicated in the Chart and classified as a) the Proprietor's Personal Investments, b) the Conservery "Holding Base", (which is the "Final Authority" in all matters for the various sections included in this Group) and c) the Cosvry (subsidiary) Proprietorship, are introduced, marketed and made available to new select customer base locations, such as have been proposed for the ClChs Bakery Mobile Units section and reflected in the applicable Conceptual Chart. As a result, the individual considered for and to whom this position will now be offered is my dear cousin Abby John who is a
thoughtful professional, who knows how to be carefully engaging and exacting when appropriate to achieve the desired objective will because of her very critical insight be able to provide just the appropriate recommendations to the Proprietor in this position. In addition, to assist Abby keep with the various roles that she will be entrusted to her, the support of a PERSONAL ASSISTANT will enable her to keep her focus directed to the most critical longer term issues that will "demand" her attention and the individual considered for and to whom this position will be offered is the widow of David Thompson, the very capable lady Mara Thompson, who will provide the type of assistance to enable the Advisor to keep her schedule mainly focused on the primary issues requiring attention. In addition, the TECHNICAL PRODUCT CONSULTANT - STRATEGIC OPERATIONS who reports to the Advisor but is based in the IT DATA SECURITY INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORSHIP and is described in the post NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED & AMENDED in explicit detail and depicted in the CONCEPTUAL STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONAL CHART and as a result, is not further described here.  

I’m very positive that the desired objective as stated will be realized with Abby experiences that will afford her to make the type of recommendations that will serve to foster one of the main objectives of these referenced business sections generally, namely, becoming synonymous with being known as either offering sound products and/or services and as well managed investment "vehicles". 
In addition, Abby is also being called upon to make recommendations on other aspects of the various business sections and carry out other assignments because of her acquired skills. Therefore, please join me in congratulating, welcoming and wishing this lady with her unique skills that I'm confident will enable her to become an extremely valuable "asset" to the successes the various business sections will eventually be able to achieve in spite of any hindrances that may be encountered along the way, with the able assistance of Mara that will be made available for the efficient utilization of her time and focused attention. With Abby's input, the Sections will be gaining much more with her in this unique role than in any other position envisioned. In closing, let me express my sincere thanks to her for her willingness to assist in this "ground floor" opportunity.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery & Other Personal Investments

(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This announcement is a continuation of the theme of initiating operational business decisions with a view towards realizing efficiencies across the various sections that business will be carried out to ensure smooth operations while ensuring that activities will be carried out as from the perspective that was initiated with the decision to pursue a different direction going forward regarding obtaining specific services from a single source for the "Holding Base" related as well as the Proprietor's personal investments, as documented in the post
NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED in order to achieve greater efficiency. As a result, this post will focus on how the adopting of this operational methodology has resulted in this operating mode for general communications as depicted in the CONCEPTUAL COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART. Please follow below for the details.


This post adds further clarification to the details discussed in the post NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED & AMENDED regarding the 1st2nd and 3rd Independent Proprietorships described. The subject position will require the Manager to oversee the design as well as the implementing of the network required to ensure the smooth flow of information across all the business areas, which can be represented as a) the Proprietor's Personal Investments, b) the Conservery "Holding Base" and c) the Cosvry (subsidiary) Proprietorship where these various sections as depicted in the (Organizational) Chart will require secure and adequate communications means for business operations to be carried out successfully. This individual will also have to work very closely with the Independent Marketing & Public Relations Proprietorships to realize effective management in addition to the Independent IT Data Security Proprietorship in order to assist with the achieving of their mandate, which all have as their main focus, the attaining of the overriding goal of the various businesses generally, namely, ensuring that the individual sections become sound business operations and/or investment vehicles. The proper receipt and flow of unimpeded information is vital for the success of any successful business in this information technology (IT) “driven” age for all the areas of operation (including the various base locations of the Regional Manager ClChs Bakery & Hobby Crafts Operations) are successfully included in operating communications network. 
As a result, the individual who will has been considered for and to whom this very challenging role will now be offered is a lady with whom I encountered on my arrival here and has become a very "understanding" professional and thoughtful mother over the years and is none other than a valued acquaintance in, D. L. Thomsen. This professional, who knows exactly how and when to achieve the desired objective will, even in this this part time position be able to set the right "tone" for those within her sphere of responsibility, which will include the full time ASSISTANT COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, who will now be the former Maureen McDonald. In addition, also reporting to the GC/MM will be full time VP COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS, who will be the 3rd granddaughter of my late friend Margaret, and the 2nd daughter of Carla Charliere

With these changes being implemented, I'm confident and very comfortable with these arrangements that this group’s day-to-day management will be in very capable hands.

This post was focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that ultimately, the various businesses overriding goal as described will be achieved successfully in spite of potential inherent obstacles to achieving this desired outcome. Based on these changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be outstanding investment business operations as well as sound service oriented businesses will achieve the successes intended much more efficiently even in the event of unplanned, potentially disruptive developments that can and do take place occasionally. However, with these changes, it’s anticipated that such occurrences will be kept to a minimum. Therefore, please join me in wishing all the announced individuals the best in these critical areas of importance to the various applicable business sections in the chosen business model.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


With the new business structure being the way it is being established, a clear avenue is required via, which the Proprietor's Other Personal Investments, Human Resources (HR)Payroll & Benefits are handled across the various business sections that can now be divided into the following groupings: a) the Mobile Bakery/Hobby Crafts, b) the Asset Management that can be subdivided into the Main Office that will be managing the primary investment asset as well as Smaller Asset Managers, c) part time and full time Skilled Project Consultants and Independent Professional Proprietorships respectively, which includes the Proprietorships described in the post NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED & AMENDED that are outside this Manager's sphere of responsibility (in the case of the Independent Proprietorships), as well as d) independent Property Consultants. Please follow below or details.


This Manager will be responsible for the total management of all the Proprietor's Personal Investments staff records across all the various business areas identified above, as well as all the benefits and payroll functions. As a result, the individual to whom this critical position will be offered is older of the two (2) daughters of Janice Forde. Furthermore, to assist the Manager with the HR responsibilities will a part time VP Assistant Manager and 2 Human Resources Consultants including 1 VP position, which will be offered to the youngest of Kandijah Ameen's 3 offspring, the younger of the 2 offspring of my dear cousin Abby John and Franchise Holder as direct reports respectively. With these individuals in place I'm confident that these positions will be carried out with two professionals who know how to carry out their duties to the best of their abilities who will be an asset to the Proprietor's Personal Investments staff as the PROPRIETOR'S PERSONAL INVESTMENTS HR/PAYROLL & BENEFITS ORGANIZATIONAL CHART indicates.

The filling of these critical positions will enable all areas of the business sections to have access to the type of HR, Payroll and Benefits required by all successful businesses including Proprietorships. As a result of the filing of these roles, the Proprietor will be to focus on other aspects of the business that needs critical attention from a very broad perspective. 
As a result, the Personal Investments area will be on a better "footing" and the other business sections that don't have full time staff in any significant numbers because they will be mainly commission based Evaluations staff who will also benefit from these positions being filled especially because these staff will also be part time workers in areas of the Personal Investments in their other roles. Finally, these selections with dedicated professionals carrying out the identified functions, and assisting the Proprietor with this new course for the various business interest; please join me in congratulating and welcoming them to moving forward in a more coordinated manner in, which to assist the deserving individuals being assisted.


James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery

(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Monday, November 9, 2015


Being aware of how guidelines, regulations, laws and other such operating criteria can impact the Proprietorship’s operations is extremely vital to functioning successfully and especially the potential financial burden such operating standards can have on business activity generally. Within this operating backdrop it’s very important that this position be filled with an individual known to reliable in addition to one who can and will properly prepare the Proprietorship for what’s impending in the business environment chosen by the Proprietorship to function to conduct business in as well as keep the Proprietor well informed about how existing regulatory criteria can impact the business. This announcement describes the individuals who in the opinion of the Proprietor can perform this task unquestionably even though not of 
the legal profession, by design.

The central ideal for this position, was to choose an individual with an accounting background to not only carry out accounting activities across the various business sections described as a), b) and cin the post
ANNOUNCEMENT OF UNIQUE ADVISOR ROLE RESPONSIBILITY - UPDATED but also to analyze how and what FINANCIAL impact the regulatory framework in the business environment faced by the Proprietorship have the potential to impose on the business operations, which will help the Proprietorship avoid becoming lax and/or disinterested about the main area chosen to conduct business operations. After giving this approach some consideration, it was decided to alter but yet maintain the previous approach with  an accounting professional in the primary position and as a result, the candidate to whom this position will now be offered under the above indicted title is Tricia Norville whom I confident can and will carry out the responsibilities of this role as the skilled professional I am aware Tricia is, and is also a very dedicated individual who will provide the type of input to enable the critical objectives to be realized, namely providing needed general accounting activities for the various sections as well as analyzing how and what FINANCIAL impact the regulatory framework in the business environment faced by the various business interest as depicted in the CONCEPTUAL STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, have the potential to impose on business operations. To assist Tricia in carrying out these responsibilities, the following position will be retained as updated.

The central candidate to whom this position will now be offered under the title indicated title is the my former colleague Janice Forde, whom I confident will carry out the responsibilities of this role as the skilled professional I have known over the years. For this position, a proven reliable individual with a proven background was selected to analyze how and what FINANCIAL impact the regulatory framework in the business environment faced by the various business interest as referenced previously.

In addition to carrying out accounting activities, selecting a primary individual for the alternate (regulatory) objective with an accounting background was done for the very important reason of conducting business differently than the norm in order to fashion an outstanding business structure and to compliment this approach, an in
dividual with regulatory experience will enable the primary desired objective to be obtained more completely. As previously stated, being aware of what’s existing and impending be clearly known from an economic viewpoint because when such is known a more successful operation is possible especially if the business is intended to carried out, not as typically done but choosing instead to carry out business activities to a higher standard when all  operations are placed under a "magnifying" lens.
As a result, the financial impact operating guidelines will impose is of primary importance and an analysis of what’s existing and ahead is of primary importance in such an environment and this is what was intended and will be carried out by this selection and I’m confident that these dedicated professionals will implement the functions well assisting in the blazing of a new course for the various business interests. Please join me in welcoming and congratulating both of these professionals to this unique opportunity.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery & Other Personal Investments

(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)


Friday, November 6, 2015

STRATEGIC POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT - UPDATED 11/7, 11/8 (AGAIN +), 11/9, 11/10, 11/12 (AGAIN), 11/13, 11/14, 11/16, 11/17, 11/21, 11/22, 11/24, 11/26, 12/8, 12/9, 12/16 - 12/18/2015 in addition to 1/24/2016

With the decision to pursue a different direction going forward regarding obtaining specific services from a single source for the "Holding Base" related as well as the Proprietor's personal investments, as documented in the post
NEW INDEPENDENT CONTRACTUAL OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED in order to achieve greater efficiency, it has become clearer that such an approach requires additional oversight that could be ushered in by this directional change. As a result, this post will focus on how the adopting of this operational methodology will be managed to preclude the potential for impacting the various business sections interests. Please follow below for the details.

New Strategic Opportunity:
To better manage the various sections and avoid encroaching on the independence of the distinct business areas the new position OVERSEER - STRATEGIC OPERATIONS will be established for the purpose of ensuring that even with these efficiencies in the services to be obtained as described in the above referenced post; independence will still be maintained between business section a) as depicted in the same referenced post and business section b) along with c). This position will require an individual with exceptional talent and one who has learned from experiences the importance of not allowing her challenges to cause her to falter when it matters most. This individual has come to realize that integrity can't be squandered (because of the actions of others with a tendency to keep those who have been wronged hobbled by their errors). As a result, the candidate now being considered knows first-hand that success will only be achieved when the tendency to "turn a blind eye" to even small areas is avoided at all costs, where cutting corners to achieve short-term gain but ultimately leading to expedient decisions in other critical decision-making in personal as well as professional is not allowed to impede the desired objective in any way. Faced with this outlook, the individual who has now been considered for and to whom this position will be offered is my long-time acquaintance and friend in the adopted daughter of my late former lecturer - Denise
In this role, she will be tasked with, but not limited to the following: 1) assisting the Proprietor with the strategic management of the various business interests as indicated previously to maintain administrative business separation between the personal investments and the "Holding Base" related business operations, in addition to, 2) filling in for the Proprietor in his absence to enable business operations to continue uninterrupted with regards business section c) as described in the above referenced post and depicted in the CONCEPTUAL STRATEGIC ORGANIZATIONAL CHART and 3) ensuring that sound business practices are followed in all areas of the Proprietorship's activities in order to preclude any impact between the Proprietor's personal and the "Holding Base" related investment vehicles, which includes oversight responsibility for ALL "Holding Base" related Evaluations activities that can be delegated as appropriate to the Financial Administrator (described below).  

In an effort to enable the Overseer to better execute the assigned responsibilities, some new opportunities will be established, including: i) for a type of financial consultant to provide the type of input that will ensure that the assigned duties will be accomplished as expected. This position will be entitled FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR - STRATEGIC OPERATIONS, who will become the "eyes and ears" of the Overseer on financial matters. This Administrator will also have oversight over all Evaluations activities for the "Holding Base" as delegated, that is similar to what is carried out for the Cosvry (Subsidiary Proprietorship) Evaluations as documented in the post THE COSVRY PROPRIETORSHIP GOING FORWARD - UPDATED and will be compensated at a rate equivalent to approximately 1.1% of the Consultants, and the individual to whom this position will be offered is my former CE colleague  Pauline Langen, whom I'm confident will approach this assignment with the level of professionalism to be able to assist the Overseer with the appropriate input required to achieve the desired objectives with regards financial affairs, ii) for an individual who will be dedicated to oversight of the Evaluations activities and this role will be entitled, AUDITOR - STRATEGIC OPERATIONS, who will be primarily tasked with the monitoring of ALL "Holding Base" Evaluations activities that will be shared with the Financial Administrator on peak occasions when a single individual would be unable to effectively carry out this role. This professional will be compensated as indicated above, which is at a rate equivalent to 1.1 % of the Consultants. The individual to whom this very critical position will be offered is my very dependable and dear cousin Abby John, and I'm confident that she will provide the type of assistance that will achieve the intended objectives of ensuring that the Consultants in the field are not left "out on a limb", but will be effectively supported; iii) for a VP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR - STRATEGIC OPERATIONS, who will be working mainly with Mobile Consultants and a Task Consultant to assist the various staff in the different scattered business sections with the instruction needs of their dependents to 1) prepare them for the ACT testing requirements similarly to what was previously envisioned in the post ADDRESSING THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF COSVRY'S STAFF DEPENDENTS - UPDATED and 2) enable them to be assured that their dependents are receiving appropriate instruction while carrying out their responsibilities. As a result, the individual to whom this very important role will be offered is eldest daughter of D. L. Thomsen. I'm confident that these objectives will in turn be achieved because of the very capable hands that they are being entrusted to. The Administrator will be assisted by the 2nd of the two offspring of Elizabeth Ann Tucker, the 2nd daughter of Chris Blood's older sibling, the 2nd daughter of the former Maureen McDonald and Beverly as MOBILE CONSULTANTS and TASK CONSULTANTS respectively, iv) for an EVENT FACILITATOR - STRATEGIC OPERATIONS who will essentially work with the "Holding Base" Special Assistant, Manager/Consultant and Assistant Manager/Consultant to determine and select, which large-scale public forum events will be attended by the Consultants and the Auditor. The individual considered for and to whom this position will be offered is the very pleasantly capable, Susan Hand, whom I'm confident will ably assist these professionals with the execution of their intended responsibilities and  v) for a PERSONAL ASSISTANT to enable her to better coordinate the various demands for her attention that she will be required to manage in order to achieve the objectives of her responsibilities more efficiently. Towards this end, this position will be offered to Gabrielle Giffords, who will help with the achievement of prioritization in order that Janet can focus less on day-to-day issues and more on the bigger view that is crucial for this role.
With the creation of these position
changes and Denise - the adopted daughter of my late former lecturer now on board, along with the addition of my former CE colleague Pauline, Abby's as well as the eldest daughter of D. L. Thomsen along with the rest of that team, Susan and now Gabrielle's support, I'm very confident that the goals required of the Strategic Group will be more readily achieved in spite of the potential challenges ahead. Therefore, please join me in congratulating and welcoming these identified professionals who in my opinion will definitely do well with these undertakings.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery

(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)