Wednesday, March 25, 2015


This post announces the staff who will directly and indirectly comprise this Proprietorship’s support personnel consistent with the outline depicted in CLCHS BAKERY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, as follows:

This position will be awarded to the lady with whom I discussed positions for herself and her special son in the Bakery and encountered in the Cedar Rapids library in the fall of 2014. She will manage its operations generally to ensure a smooth running, successful business. She will be responsible for development of the healthy menu selections suggestions from, which the final listing to offer customers will be determined. She will also ensure that all the Bakery staff carry out their assigned responsibilities to effect an efficiently operated “carry out” establishment. Her other responsibilities will include but not be limited to: 1) maintaining personnel records for every individual that includes hours worked, 2) alerting the attention of the Proprietor when the potential for either new and/or repairs to equipment will be needed to maintain operations, 3) working with personnel to ensure they are adequately trained for their assigned roles up to and including role-playing how staff should handle various scenarios including irritable and “testy” customer types, 4) making sure at the close of operations on a daily basis that the products sold and the cash receipts balance before making the required end-of-business-day deposits, 5) encouraging staff to make suggestions in writing for improving and/or conducting business more efficiently that will include incentive bonus payments to staff for making efficiency improvements that result in cost savings according to specific ranges such as: 1) up to $1000, 2) between $1001 and $3000, 3) between $3001 and $5000 and 4) over $5000 with award payments of $200, $300 $400 and $500 accordingly to each of the assigned ranges, 6) ensuring that applicable product labels contain an accurate listing of ingredients, 7) gradually develop the skill of anticipating customer demand in order to make available and have on hand the types of products that they are expected to request in order to maintain a well-run and effectively operated establishment and 8) providing general assistance to support other staff wherever the need exists to ensure an effectively maintained business operation consistently in spite of customer demand at any given time.

This position provide general cash register assistance to customers at the check-out counter and the individual considered for and to whom it will be offered is the elder sibling of my former Management Accounting study partner Janet L. Windus. She like her younger sibling, Janet is a very capable lady whom I’m sure like her younger sibling, possesses and can be expected to demonstrate a very welcoming customer-friendly attitude regardless of the level of demand, which exists and this is exactly what is required in this position where anxious customers can on occasion be expected to place demands on waiting attendants.

These are individuals to provide the general support staff assistance required to ensure an evenly managed, customer-friendly counter environment even though their critical contributions may not always be readily visible to waiting customers and there will be five (5) such support persons who have been considered for and to whom these positions will be offered, as follows: 1) the elder sibling of my former colleague Chris Blood, 2) the third daughter of Chris' older sibling, 3) Laurie Dammann a very capable lady with a very pleasant attitude, 4) the son of the Bakery Manager and 5) the ever pleasant lady with a big smile Gabrielle Giffords. 
There will also be a number of entrepreneurial opportunities available at the bakery where specific individuals will be assisted with the establishing of their own proprietorships involving arrangements in, which ClCh’s will either subcontract specific products and/or will provide the individuals involved with bakery products for sale, as follows: 

Special Projects Products Entrepreneurial Opportunity:
This is being awarded to the eldest daughter and 2nd sibling of the Bakery Manager and in this business arrangement she will be providing the Bakery with special occasion products, for example, wedding cakes, and other custom products that is more cost effective to offer in such an arrangement, rather than have such products available and then try to find customers for these hard-to-sell products. I’m confident that with her entrepreneurial attitude she will achieve success in this venture that’s in the best interest of all involved.

General Catering (Non-Alcoholic) Entrepreneurial Opportunity:
This 2nd such business will be awarded to the former spouse of a top golfer now striking out to achieve success in her own business arrangement in, which she, Elin Nordegren, will be providing full catering for those large-scale events where non-alcoholic beverages are on the menu such as business breakfast and lunch occasions where fully functioning and cognizant clients are a must. Conference arrangements and family/individual occasion gatherings where non-alcoholic beverages are on the menu are also examples of the types of customers who will be the focus of the entrepreneurial-minded Lady who knows how to manage large-scale functions tactfully and with poise. Please join me in welcoming Elin as she transitions from one type of lifestyle to another in, which she will be GENERAL MANAGER of her business and will be ably assisted by a CULINARY CONSULTANT to be announced at a later date.

Special Catering Entrepreneurial Opportunity:
This 3rd such business arrangement will be awarded to the former Kate Middleton, who will also be striking out on her own and will be assisted with the establishing of her own business arrangement focusing on custom catering to those hard-to-please special people who also deserve to be celebrated on their special occasions with a catering service dedicated to them exclusively. In this venture, Kate will be ably assisted by her younger sibling Pippa, who will become her BUSINESS MANAGER, to take care of these details while Kate will focus on the being CULINARY/DECORATIVE MANAGER, which will include those aspects of such events that involve the assembling of accompanying individuals dressed in unique clown or other such animal outfits, which will be her area of expertize to bring some joy to these often forgotten special people. Please join me in welcoming these enterprising siblings to ClCh’s where I’m confident they will assist the overall business structure achieve all its critical objectives within their area of responsibility. 

Mobile Vendor Entrepreneurial Opportunities:
There will be two (2) such business arrangements to be awarded to different individuals to be announced at a later date. These will involve the assisting of individuals with the establishing of their own proprietorships as well but with products directly produced by the Bakery to be offered for sale from specially equipped vehicles that permit such to be carried out. One of these proprietorship’s will be based in the greater Cedar Rapids area and the other will be based in the greater Iowa City area to avoid any overlap in their designated territories and will be operated by teams of a minimum of two individuals.

The Conclusion:
With the announcements of these roles/business arrangements as indicated in this post, I am confident that ClCh’s with all these individuals involved as well as the Proprietorship, will achieve the desired objectives the only way it’s possible, with hard-work and commitment to the effort at hand.            

James F. Brazant
ClCh’s Bakery

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